Thursday, February 4, 2010


I wanted to thank all my wonderful clients this month with a fun Valentines Day gift.... but I couldn't get them flowers- because they don't last, I couldn't get them chocolates--- because that defeats the purpose and I want to give back to them, not hurt their progress:)

So, as I was sitting and rocking Molly it hit me! I should give all of them a FREE month. But why stop there? I feel so blessed and have been so grateful for each and everyone of my online personal training clients that I decided not only will I give them love-- but I'm going to spread the LOOOOVVVEEE even further and give EVERYONE a free month of on-line personal training. No catch- this is not a gimmick- it is just a free month so that you can see if maybe on-line personal training is for you!! It isn't for everyone- and I don't want you to pay me for my services if you don't actually get around to using them-- because I want you to progress- I don't just want your money. I want you to see results- that is my real payment:)

If you want to take some of my love-- then e-mail me at or leave me a comment with your e-mail address in it- and I will e-mail you a questionnaire so that I can make a plan catered to you!! If you would like to know what you will be getting for the month- go here and it explains what on-line personal training is. (you do not need a gym membership or access to a gym for this!)

You have until Valentines day to take me up on this offer!! So- that is TEN days for you to either snatch up the free month right away or mull it over!!

Plus- as a bonus-- if you spread the looooovvvveeee and repost this in your status or as a link on your facebook, blog, blast e-mail, etc... any which one you choose- then you will get a second month free!! Just let me know which one you did in your e-mail to me......

Don't forget-- is an e-mail address you will ALWAYS want to remember:) So e-mail now and get your free month of on-line personal training!