Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's The Bertinator here-- and did I hear that ya'll want some good lookin' abs!! :) Who just wants good abs for the summertime?? NOT ME! You need those tight abs all year round! But who has the time to sit around and do abs all day, you ask?? WELL......................

Back by popular demand is my NO EXCUSE segment!

The number one e-mail I get from ladies is them asking how to fit in a workout when you have multiple kids, multiple activities, and all the normal mom duties- some working, some stay at home, etc.... and the number one answer I have to give them is "if you really want it you'll make the time" -- haha! Yes- that is true-- BUT! and that is a big one-- unless you love it, unless you have a passion for fitness the likelihood is that instead of "making" the time- you just have to realize all the waiting around us moms do- and take ADVANTAGE! Do you know how much time you REALLY have on your hands?? How long are you in the car everyday? How often are you just waiting for your kids activities to be done-- or watching them at the park?? Or waiting for your food in a restaurant?? Or on hold for a phone call??

Seriously- seems like I do quite a lot of that- and I'm guessing you do too- whether you have kids or not. That is why I created the NO EXCUSE exercise segment in the first place. And - I'm impressed with all of you who are taking me up on the challenge!


Today's "no excuse" challenge is hot abs in the car! (part 2 coming soon)

So, get your jam on in the car like a star! I'm totally Dr. Seussin' it today!

Enjoy- and rock those abs- and let me know where you feel like you spend most your time "waiting".