Monday, March 22, 2010

the DEVIL!!!

I always tell ALL my clients that the scale is the devil- and the only thing it is good for is weighing your food-- but not YOU!

Here is a perfect example as to WHY I hate the scale-- I mean- HATE it. Lots of people think hate is too strong of a word-- but in this case I think it goes along perfectly! Or you can try any number of these words and they will do about the same:) Abhor, detest, loathe, resent, (you get the picture) The scale is a TERRIBLE measurement against fat loss.

As we all know- I had a baby 12 weeks ago now... and I did take measurements and I did get on the scale-- but I have not retaken my measurements til' NOW!

So- here are my measurements from 2 weeks after baby was born and measurements that I actually took 1 week ago.

(Jan. 12, 2010)....................................(Mar. 15, 2010)
weight: 157............................................159!!!!
neck: 12.5 in............................................12.5 in.
wrist: 6.5 in..............................................6 1/4 in.
hips: 42 in.................................................41 in.
waist (smallest point): 30 in......................28 1/2 in.
belly button: 32 in.......................................30 1/2 in.
bust: 36.5 in. ...............................................35 in.
calves: 15.5 in.................................................15 in.
biceps: 12 in....................................................11 3/4 in.
thighs: 21.5 in..................................................22 in.

So- I would be devastated if I was just going against what the scale said- because if you take notice-- I went up 2 pounds on the scale- but all my measurements went down?! If I wasn't also tracking my measurements- then from my scale reading- I would have automatically said, "forget this!" If I'm gonna gain weight eating and exercising- then I might as well do it the right way-- and pigged out-- and wallowed in self-pity for a day or two. This is why we throw ourselves backwards instead of forwards--- and this is WHY we need to measure our progress and monitor your fat loss- not "weight" loss.

Here is why:

Yes- this picture is totally sick- and literally makes me want to throw up looking at it- because of that big glob of fat..... but it is important to point out, that no- technically muscle doesn't weigh more then fat- because a pound is a pound--- BUT- it takes up WAY less space! This is why going by measurements or how your clothes feel or body fat percentage is WAY more accurate and better for your self esteem then going by the stupid scale! (did I mention I really don't like scales?)

So, if you haven't done so already- TAKE your measurements and then every other week or once a month- CHECK to see how you are losing:) I guarantee you, you will be happy to be free of the "devil" and you will be happy with the end result!

Good luck and HAPPY training!


Amanda Herrold said...

great post!

caity said...

i gained weight when i got married and im trying so hard to get it off and after losing like 3 pounds i;ve pretty much plateaued at 139 BUT i've lost lots of inches so that's what's keeping me going. glad im not the only one who hates the scale.