Friday, May 1, 2009

Progress pics... TAKE TWO!

And here we go! I started the blog in early April and took my first "before" pictures on April 4th. I contemplated maybe waiting til' May 4th, and then put up "1 month" pictures- but today is close enough, and I might as well get it over with.

I couldn't really see a huge difference this time around- like I could the 1st time around... but then my hubby came in while I was rearranging my collage and he was like, I like the bottom row better.... (which happens to be TODAY'S pictures!) Man- I wonder what I would have done if he had said he liked the top row better?? Either way- it was enough for me to know- that even though it is slight, there is a little bit of a difference- and my measurements showed that too! What do you think??

Here are my measurements as well( I'll compare them with first row April 4, 2nd row April 15, and last row today!)

(April 4, 2009).....(April 15, 2009).......(May 1, 2009)
weight: 154............... 150.........................147.5
neck: 12 1/2 in........ 12 1/2 in....................12.5 in.
wrist: 6 1/2 in. ......... 6 1/2 in....................6 1/2 in.
hips: 41 in. ................40.75 in..................40.5 in.
waist: 27 1/2 in. ....... 27 in.........................26.5 in.
belly button: 29 1/2 in. .......29 1/4 in............28 3/4 in.
bust: 33 in. ......... 33 in...........................33 in. (I'm not losing in my boobs because there is already nothing there:)
calves: 15 1/2 in. ...........15 1/4 in...............15 1/4 in.
biceps: 12 in. ..............11 3/4 in...................11.5 in.
thighs: 22 in. ........... 21 1/2 in......................21 in.

So in just under 4 weeks- I have lost a total of 4 inches and 6.5 pounds.

I'm pretty happy with the results because- I'm not going to lie- my eating has been what most people would say is CRAZY! But- I have only eaten while hungry, and stopped when I was full-- so I didn't over eat once- I just didn't eat clean. Intuitive eating will be in a post coming up later this week-- along with a post on how to lose the belly fat-- that seems to be the biggest request from my readers-- and I will attack it for you:) I will also be back with my May attack plan and goals and an evaluation of how well I did in April, so that I can see what needs work and where I'm golden. (as I didn't make it to the gym as much as I had planned either)

Now it is time for you to make YOUR May goals too! Summer will be here before you EVEN know it! Let me know what your goal is so that I can help you stay accountable!


Michelle said...

Lookin' good, Bertie! So I'm wondering about measuring correctly. Are you supposed to measure yourself while sucking in, or just relaxing? It seems like I've seen both.

Bertie said...

Hey Michelle! Great question-- I measure myself with how I stand all day-- which isn't sucking in- or just "relaxing and letting it all hang out" I would call it flexing- but it isn't really flexing- because you aren't holding a contraction-- you are just somehow keeping your stomach tight- but you can totally breathe- does that make sense? So that is how I measure.

Hope that helps some:)

Lindsey said...

I can totally see a difference! You look tighter all over! Much smaller! Your stomach is killer! Awesome job!

Michelle said...

Yep, that makes perfect sense. Thanks!

The Crandall Clan said...

-K- I voted for ya. By the way you are looking amazing!

The Crandall Clan said...
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